Monday, April 16, 2012

For something far better.

I hate seeing a political party vote as a monolithic bloc. But that happens. All too often in Congress. The Republicans stand together. Rock solid. When really, Republicans aren't rock solid. In their souls. Deep down. But still, some of 'em are willing to sell their souls. To the party. Because if they don't, they'll be excommunicated. Thrown out of the party. Looked upon with disdain from within the party's hierarchial structure. Everyone is required to go along. Oh, Democrats may not be quite so rock solid. There's a little room for dissent. But still, it ain't much. Makes me wanna scrap the two-party system. I'd much rather have a third and fourth and fifth and sixth party. If socialists get 6 percent of the vote, they should have 6 percent of the represenation in congress/parliament. I want all sorts of splinter parties. With everybody having a say. I want political coalitions. I want cooperation. A kind of government where everybody gets consideration. Yes, I want to scrap the two-party system. For something far better. --Jim Broede

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