Thursday, April 26, 2012

Helps me find right.

It's one of my favorite pastimes. Trying to figure out what makes people tick. Thing is, they don't know themselves. So I ask questions. Maybe a single question. What makes you happy? A surprising number of my acquaintances don't know. So, I ask, what makes you sad? And they have ready answers. They've thought about the things that have gone wrong in their lives. But not about what went right. Maybe that's the nature of depression. Or it could merely be negative thinking of natural born pessimists. Then there are the people that don't answer questions. Thinking it's an invasion of their privacy. They clam up. Which I generally find funny. Because there's so much to talk about. So many opportunities to get to know each other. To probe beneath the surface. After all, isn't that the purpose of life? I didn't start living until I learned to ask questions. When I became truly curious. Not only about myself. But about others. But for that to happen, there has to be give and take. Two-way communication. Some degree of nakedness. Honesty. Maybe that's what I'm really looking for. Honest people. Truth-seekers. People that aren't afraid to make mistakes. Because that's how one learns. From mistakes. I don't mind being wrong. Helps me find right. --Jim Broede

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