Saturday, April 14, 2012

I'm a goodwill ambassador.

I'm a two-way goodwill ambassador. I represent America when I spend half a year in Sardinia/Italy. And I represent Sardinia/Italy when I'm in America. Nice to wear two hats. I like it. Very much. At my home in Forest Lake, in Minnesota, I'm gonna start flying the Italian and the Sardinian flags. And I'm promoting Sardinia and Italy as tourist meccas. I also write about my wonderfui experiences in Italy and Europe. Where I adore the political climate. Yes, I'm not exactly a devotee of the political, economic and social climate in the USA. But I certainly tell the Italians some of the good things about America. Not the least being that we have some liberals out to serve the common good. And that we have a black and progressive president in Barack Obama. I portray Republicans and ultra conservatives as a national shame. But I always hold out hope for America. That in the long run, the liberals/progressives will carry the day. Reason enough for me to stay in America for half of the year. Especially considering that I have the option at any time to escape to my haven, my niche, my abode, my little cocoon. Where I can shut out the bad stuff. And I always know that I will ultimately find relief in Paradise (Sardinia), where I cavort with my Italian true love. All this allows me to savor life. No matter where I am. --Jim Broede

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