Monday, April 16, 2012

Maybe that tells me something.

Let me tell you one thing about Sherman. He's basically a happy man. Despite the pitfalls of life. I find that with many black people. They're resilient. Maybe more resilient than white people. That's just an impression. I may be wrong about that. Maybe Sherman isn't as happy as I surmise. Maybe deep down, he's sad. But when I converse with Sherman, he seems happy. And honest. Maybe that's what makes the difference. He's an honest man. And he also knows how to love life. To find something to savor. Such as his pet cocker spaniel, Zoe. And the fact that he's alive. At age 53. Despite having had a stroke. Which hampers his movement on the right side. Sherman still knows that his mind is functioning. Good. He's alert. Perceptive. Able to grasp the intimacies of life. I'm sure that Sherman has been denied many opportunities. Just because he's black. Just because he can't afford the best of medical care. So very many Americans don't have health insurance. Something like 50 million. Some get it. But on a hit-and-miss basis. No such thing as universal health care in the USA. Some of 'em will come much closer to getting decent health care under so-called Obamacare. But hey, we've got a conservative Supreme Court. Which may be about to declare Obamacare unconstitutional. For political reasons. That's the nature of life. Politics play a big role. In how people are treated. In America, money buys better treatment. Buys power. Buys influence. Being white, helps, too. Being black makes it more difficult to survive. But hey, Sherman is a survivor. A happy one. Because one way or another, he finds a way. He's resilient. Maybe that tells me something. Not only about Sherman. But about black people. --Jim Broede

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