Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Falsehood becomes racist truth.

Racists believe what they want to believe. And they don't let the facts get in way of their racist opinions. For instance, polls show that many conservative Republicans firmly believe that Obama isn't an American. That he was foreign born. And therefore, he has no right to be president. Obama's birth place is an issue with them. Only because he's black. And they don't want a black man to ever be president. Simply because he's black. But in this day and age, they can't bring themselves to publicly say that they are opposed to Obama simply because he's black. So they have to concoct another reason. That he's a foreigner. That his birth certificate from Hawaii is fake. That he really was born in Kenya or some other foreign land. Many of 'em also allege that he's a secret Muslim. Not a Christian. Of course, all of this is false. But falsehood often qualifies as racist truth. --Jim Broede

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