Sunday, May 27, 2012

I ride only the good tides.

In life, there are good tides and bad tides. I prefer to ride the good tides. When things keep going right. Winning streaks. And usually that takes a positive mindset. All around me, I see bad tides. Bad mindsets. For instance, on my Chicago Cubs baseball team. They keep losing. They expect to lose. Day in and day out. Night in and night out. Around the clock. Always. The same goes in the world of politics. Politicians pollutted with negativity. Yes, Republicans. They are racists. Deploring the presence of a black man in the White House. They oppose everything he proposes. Because they want a black man to be a loser. In reality, the Republicans become losers. Collectively. They never break ranks. They vote as a solid block. Unanimously. Like robots. To oppose Obama at every step, at every turn. Because he's black. They accuse him of being un-American. Of being a socialist. Of being a disciple of liberation theology. In the process, Republicans don't mind bringing down the entire American nation. Just as long as it means bringing down Obama. Yes, that's a bad tide. One that I refuse to ride. I ride only the good tides. Because I'm in love. With my Italian true love. With life. With the good things. --Jim Broede

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