Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm intrigued by it all.

I have no time for a priest or clergyman. Unless he/she is a close personal friend. Because it's important that we mentor each other. For many years, I had someone like that in my life. For which I am grateful. But he died. A while back. I miss him. When it comes to spiritual/religious/theological matters, I insist that there be a personal dialogue. In depth. It's gotta be a two-way thing. We've gotta make time for each other. Most clergymen are spread thin. They have too much on their agendas. If they don't have time for me, I don't have time for them. That's just the way it is. I've flirted with Christianity. But it's really not for me. Instead, I'm a free-thinker. A freelance monotheist. Very independent. I'm lerry of organized religions. Too many idiotic rules. And doctrines. And gawdawful thinking. But I love talking about religion and theology and philosophy. And especially about spiritual matters. I even occasionally audit courses at a seminary and in the graduate school of a university. I'm intrigued by it all. --Jim Broede

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