Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pleasant diversions.

I don't like everything about life in America. But the nice thing, though, is that I can complain about it. Right here in my blog. That makes me reasonably happy. That I can gripe about my dislikes. For instance, about my government. Specifically, about Congress. And the asinine Republicans. I recognize there's nothing concrete and effective that I can do about changing the situation in our government. Doesn't matter whether I'm dead or alive. What's gonna happen is gonna happen. I won't be able to make one iota of difference. Either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney will be elected president. Either the Democrats or the Republicans will control the House and the Senate. Chances are, jackasses will be running the show. And the big-money interests will be calling the shots behind the scenes. I won't have a say. So, it's best that I get on with my life. And make the best of it. Focusing on the things over which I have some semblance of control. Over my personal life. I'm even free and able to travel. To live six months of the year in Sardinia (Italy) with my Italian true love. Yes, I'm able to pursue my kind of happiness. While pretty much ignoring things that might otherwise frustrate me. That is, if I didn't have pleasant diversions. In my constant pursuit of happiness. --Jim Broede

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