Thursday, May 3, 2012

You and I really don't have a say.

The wealthy run the show in America. Money. Money. Money. Those who have the money have the political power. It's that simple. Any billionaire has a billion times more power than I. Or for that matter, more power than the entire middle class and the poor put together. Yes, the millionaires and the billionaires call the shots. America has been corrupted. By the elite rich. We've become a plutocracy. And until we take money out of politics, it's gonna remain that way. In theory, in a democracy or a republic, everyone is supposed to have a vote and a say. And we're told we have a truly representative government. Because we elect our officials. At virtually all levels of government. But once in office, these officials are bought. By the highest bidders. By the plutocrats. You and I really don't have a say. --Jim Broede

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