Thursday, June 7, 2012

I yearn for ancient Greece.

I want/wish the Greeks to set an example for the rest of us. Like they did in ancient times. To pool all of their resources. Physical. Mental. And especially spiritual. In order to climb out of their modern-day abyss. Yes, I'm convinced it can be done. By dedicating themselves to working for the common good. We all should be doing that. World-wide. Instead, we are enslaved by selfish, greedy capitalist societies. By exploiters. By manipulators. By the filthy, obscene rich that seek to become even richer. Their aim is to widen the gap between the rich and the poor. In monetary terms. They worship money. They ignore the spirit of life. That wasn't the way of ancient Greece. When the mind and the spirit prevailed. It's time for a comeback. Give me the old Grecian ways again. --Jim Broede

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