Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm opposed to political war.

Doesn't have to be my way or the highway. Or your way or the highway. I'd rather that we reach an accommodation. A blending of our mutual inrterests and not so mutual interests. We don't have to stay on our own sides of the political divide. This thought occurs to me today. While I'm waiting for the results of a recall election in Wisconsin. Sounds like it's gonna be very close. With Wisconsin voters being separated by only a percentage point or two over whether the Republican governor should be recalled. Democrats are pissed. Because the governor and the Republican-controlled legislature stripped away public employees bargaining rights. Fact is that Wisconsinites are sharply divided on the issue. Not a clear, defining majority on either side. Which invites compromise. Working things out so that both sides get some things they want. But not everything. Sadly, politicians aren't buying that concept any more. Instead, they are choosing to go to war. Against each other. And to the victor goes the spoils. Everything. My way or the highway. Your way or the highway. Little wonder why I'm opposed to political war. --Jim Broede

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