Saturday, June 30, 2012

Motivated by love.

I've been listening to wild-eyed, raving maniac members of the Tea Party. They're pissed. Royally pissed. Because the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Obamacare. They pledge to fight this fall to defeat Obama and the Democrats. And they will fight. No doubt about it. Because they are motivated by hate. And they are passionate about defeating anything that sounds like socialized/universal health care and big government. They see it as unAmerican. A denial of freedom of choice. Maybe even a communist conspiracy. Yes, indeed, these Tea Party maniacs are radical. About politics. Maybe I'm radical, too. But in another direction. I'm a liberal. A socialist. A communist sympathizer. But I stop short of raving. I have higher priorities in life than to become stark raving mad over political issues. I have a different focus, a different aim/goal. Such as falling in love. With life. And with my Italian true love. I am a romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a lover, a dreamer. If political, economic and social matters don't go my way, I take it all philosophically. And get on with the rest of my life. Motivated by love. --Jim Broede

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