Thursday, June 28, 2012

My spirit ain't Republican.

I've noticed something about the Republican Party. Republicans cater almost exclusively to white people. Rarely do I come across a dark-skinned Republican. Republicans have shunned racial minorities. Blacks. Hispanics. Asians. You name 'em. Republicans roll out the red carpet for white people. White rednecks. White bigots. White rich people. I acknowledge that occasionally a person of color becomes a Republican. But they are the rare exceptions. Many of 'em have learned to act like white people. Happy to become tokens. People that Republicans praise for seeing the light. The white light. Fortunately, Republicans may soon be in for a rude awakening. In that white people are fast becoming the minority in America. I like that trend. Yes, despite the fact that I'm white. But believe me, at the core of my being, deep inside my soul, I feel more black than white. I don't know if a spirit has a color. But I know one thing for sure, my spirit ain't Republican. --Jim Broede

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