Monday, June 18, 2012

My true love loves soccer.

My Italian true love is multi-dimensional. Which adds to her attractiveness. Among other things, she's bilingual, very intelligent, and beautiful. And she's a soccer fan. Knows something about the European game of football. What we Americans call soccer. Today she's watching a soccer match between the national teams of Italy and Ireland. At latest report, Italy was winning, 1-0. My true love was riveted to the screen. On the Internet. She'd normally watch on cable. But her cable went kaput. Instead of panicking, she retreated to her computer. And voila! There's the game. In living color. Of course, this was a break (good fortune) for me. Because I noticed that she was online. So I dialed up Skype, our audio-video connection. And watched as she became enraptured in the game. Allowed me to become enraptured in my true love. Yes, watching her watch the game. Everytime I'm connected to my true love, it's a vision of loveliness. Today, I got a bonus vision. I'm so very thankful. That my true love is an avid soccer fan. --Jim Broede

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