Saturday, June 16, 2012

On coping with the mean-spirited.

I differentiate between mean-spirited and kind-hearted people. I know both kinds. And generally, I try to avoid the mean-spirited. But sometimes, that's almost impossible. Might be a relative, or a neighbor. Someone I am more or less forced to deal with. When I was still employed, I worked with and for some mean-spirited people. Fortunately, they were few and far between. Thing is, not all of the mean-spirited are consciously aware that they are mean-spirited. Maybe because they've always been that way. Seems so natural. Sometimes, I suspect the mean-spirited can't help themselves. They are in a mean-spirited rut or routine. And can't find their way out. It's far too difficult. Others are mean-spirited only with certain people. For instance, I know racists that are mean to blacks and other minorities. But with their own family members, they are kind-hearted. Actually, very decent. As for me, I try to be kind-hearted. And to give people the benefit of the doubt. But I can get mean-spirited, too. Especially when I'm dealing with the mean-spirited. I'm capable of dishing it back. Not sure that's the right thing to do. Better to just steer clear of 'em. I could tell many stories about my encounters with the mean-spirited. I do that occasionally in my blog. Yes, I like to expose the antics of the mean-spirited. To shame them. But often, I decide not to. Because that would be mean-spirited. --Jim Broede

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