Friday, June 29, 2012

Rock solid friendships.

Lately, I've been focused on the nature of friendship. Thinking a lot about it. Years ago, I thought maybe that I had only two or three friends in my entire life. But I've revised my thinking. Maybe I have a fair number of friends. Maybe in the double digets. Because there are varying degrees of friendship. My dearest and best friends are amazingly tolerant people. They tolerate me. Even my bad traits. They are remarkably forgiving. And they talk to me about any and everything. No subject is taboo. That's the way I treat my best friends, too. It's a reciprocal thing. I'm very tolerant. Very forgiving. I believe in unconditional friendship. Much as I believe in unconditional love. Though I admit that maybe I've never been put to the ultimate test. Whatever that might be. Occasionally, I lose a very close friend. Not from death. But by a gradual deteriorating of the friendship. We might remain as casual friends. But not so close any more. That's not necessarily reason to lament. It just happens. And one might as well learn to accept it. On the other hand, a longtime casual friendship may suddenly become very close and endearing. Yes, friendships can fluctuate. But my best friends always seem to remain as best friends. They are rock solid friendships. Never wavering. --Jim Broede

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