Thursday, July 12, 2012

The age of misinformation.

In America, if one has excess money/moola/cash, one has freedom to spend it. Almost any way one wants. Millionaires and billionaires and maybe even a trilionaire or two can spend a cool bundle on political campaigns. On brainwashing the public/the throngs. And that's exactly what's happening. Virtually no limit on political propaganda. On stretching the truth. One can tell lies. Total distortions. On sound bites calculated to sway the multitudes. Money reigns supreme. Issues are often decided in large part by paid-for slogans. By paid-for pulsating chants. Politicians are being sold. Like products on the shelves at supermarkets. Hear a name often enough, and many of us will buy into it. Automatically. We're trained. Duped. Swayed. By advertising. By constant repetition. By drumbeats. We Americans have become experimental rats in a cage. Doing what we were trained to do. To buy into almost anything. Oh, some Americans think for themselves. But they are the minority. Maybe a very small minority. Capable of resisting the manipulators. But it's damn hard for many Americans to separate fact from fiction. Americans accept the bull shit. In unquestioning fashion. Tell a lie often enough, and it's believed. Look at the polls. And the vast number of Americans that believe Obama was foreign born. That he doesn't have a legitimate birth certificate. Preposterous, yes. But told often enough, Americans will believe that the moon landing back in 1969 was faked. A total ruse. Think of all the conspiracy theories Americans are fed. Daily. And believed. As if it's all the gospel truth. Yes, folks, we are in the information age. No, let's be more accurate. And call it the age of misinformation. The age of bull shit, bull shit and more bull shit. --Jim Broede

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