Sunday, July 8, 2012

Get rid of Republicans. Not Obama.

I'm for a shorter work week. Maybe 32 hours. Instead of 40. Yes, give workers three days off every week. To make up for it, maybe some businesses will decide to hire more workers. That would help solve the problem of high unemployment. Maybe that means individual workers will have to learn to live on less. But there'll be more employed workers. A reasonable trade-off. It's sad that workers that wanna work can't find jobs. Ain't good for the working class. Ain't good for the economy. But the shorter work week inevitably benefits the common good. In America. And all over the world. I also want private sector businesses to consider settling for less profit, and paying workers higher wages. Again, serving the common good. Republicans proclaim that Obama's policies are doing little to change the bad economy for the good. That the policies ain't lowering the unemployment rate fast enough, if at all. Fact of the matter is that Obama has proposed all sorts of ways to create more jobs. Including federal aid to the states so they can hire more teachers and police officers and public employees, period. But the Republicans in Congress balk at virtually everything Obama proposes. For nasty and devious political reasons. The Republicans block Obama's policies, and then have the audacity to say that Obama is to blame. I suspect the policies would work. Effectively. If given a chance. Meanwhile, I have the ideal and humane solution to the nation's economic problems. Get rid of Republicans. Not Obama. --Jim Broede

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