Monday, July 30, 2012

Modernizing the Supreme Court.

I'll tell you what's wrong with the U.S. Supreme Court. Too many lawyers. Every single justice on the court, dating back to John Jay, has been a lawyer. Each one either attended law school, took law classes, was admitted to the bar, or practiced law. But there's no prerequisite that a lawyer must be appointed to the court. Laymen can be appointed. Guys like me. I'd make a better justice than Antonin Scalia. For one thing, I'd give the court more balance. A non-lawyer's point of view. I'd look for legal precedent/basis for my decisions. I'd listen to the lawyers. But I'd not necessarily buy into their legalese. I'd tell Scalia, to his face, to quit with the bull shit. He and I would clash. Wouldn't bother me if a majority of the nine justices were laymen. From all sorts of professions. Outside of law. That would make for some mighty fresh perspectives. And finally bring America into the modern age. --Jim Broede

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