Sunday, July 8, 2012

To be in no need of empathy.

Not sure what it means to show empathy. For instance, some people want pity. A full-fledged pity party. And I often refuse to organize one. Or even attend. I've been known to boycott pity parties. So little wonder I'm accused of lacking empathy. But it ain't true. Because not everybody should be pitied. On a mere whim. There are other ways of coping with bad times. Other than pleading for pity. Such as focusing on the love in one's life. Generally, life ain't all that bad. If I'm in love with someone or something, it's a nice diversion. A saving grace. Maybe I should pity someone who isn't in love with anything. Maybe that's at the core of depression. A complete absence of love in one's life. An inability to fall in love. Maybe that's the equivalent of hell on Earth. Anyway, I'm of the notion that one isn't alive until falling in love. Love is an awakening. A stimulant. A cure for the doldrums. Most lives don't proceed on an even keel. There are ups and downs. During the down periods, one needs to fall back on something that makes life worth living. Worth savoring. In my case, it's love. And it doesn't necessarily have to be love of another. Rather, with something. Such as nature. Or literature. Even with what may turn out to be negatives. Yes, politics. Or money. That's better than nothing. Thing is, some love can be put to evil purposes. And maybe that doesn't make it love any more. But still, it's a diversion. A motivation. To get on with life. To experiment. To discover a new reason to be happy. To be in no need of empathy. Or pity. --Jim Broede

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