Thursday, July 12, 2012

The totally ignorant and clueless.

Give the American public a test. To determine what people really know about the Affordable Health Care Act, also known as Obamacare. And I'll bet that most Americans hardly have a clue. They're ignorant. They lack the vital details. Recent polls show that the American public is pretty much evenly divided over whether they like or dislike Obamacare. But opinions are based largely on sparse facts. More on sound bites. On propaganda from the two political parties. On misinformation. Thing is, we Americans don't believe all that much in education. In educating ourselves. Because it takes too much time and effort. So we form our opinions. Based very little on facts. But rather on what we're told by highly biased proponents and opponents. Yes, that's a sad state of affairs. Especially in a democracy. People are supposed to educate themselves. For a democracy to succeed. Makes me think that American democracy is failing. Badly. Badly. Badly. We've got a Republican Party that has voted 33 times in Congress to repeal and replace the Affordable Health Care Act. Unsuccessfully. Maybe because the Republicans have yet to devise an alternative. Nothing to compare. It's as if everyone is supposed to put faith in the GOP. That they'll come up with something better. But the saddest thing of all is that many opponents of Obamacare don't even know what's in it. They are totally ignorant. Clueless. --Jim Broede

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