Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Better than to stagnate.

Paul Ryan. I don't like the guy. He's a fake. A political animal. Enraptured by his own image. As a darling. But he's shallow. Superficial. Little wonder that he's a Republican. I grew up in southern Wisconsin. Near the same city where Ryan was born and raised. In a different time, I might have known him. Been in the same high school class. I know Paul Ryans. Many of 'em. Fakes then. Fakes now. Didn't buy their bull shit then. Don't buy it now. No reason to go back to my class reunions. I have no desire to see the Paul Ryans. And they have no desire to see me. We've gone our different ways. To explore new horizons. New worlds. Never to return. Better than to stagnate in the political realm. As a Paul Ryan. --Jim Broede

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