Monday, September 17, 2012

Another reason to vote for Obama.

Becoming monetarily rich ain't my thing. I have other aims in life. Such as being happy. And in love. I suspect there are many other Americans who find it unnecessary to be as rich as Mitt Romney. And I don't look at them with disdain, as Romney does. Romney seems to think they are looking for government hand-outs. And that ain't right. In other words, they are supposed to become active in the private free enterprise system and earn enough bucks to totally support themselves. Unlike Romney, I'm for the government providing for the basic needs of citizens who have no desire to be so wealthy that they have absolutely no need for government assistance. I want government to make the basics, such as health care and social security and education available to everyone. Rich or poor. And if that means taxing the rich in order to serve the common good, so be it. Another reason for me to vote for Barack Obama. --Jim Broede

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