Wednesday, September 19, 2012

In service of the rich, ruling elite.

I'm beginning to understand why the rich, ruling elite founders of the American nation were in favor of slavery. They believed in a society with sharp division of classes. A society in which there's a ruling elite. Namely, rich and well-off people. To them, it made economic and political and social sense to have slaves. To have a strata of classes. It wasn't really a democracy they had in mind. They wanted everyone to know their role. Their place in a well-structured society. It was a time when many nations had monarchs. A ruling class. Not everyone was perceived as suited to be an elite. Instead, it was only a relative handful that had the knowledge and wherwithal to run the show. Even today, that concept holds true. Particularly in the Republican Party. Where 18th century thinking still prevails. Evidenced by the Republicans' nominee for president. Mitt Romney. Seems to me that if Romney had his druthers, slavery would become legal again. No need to pay the minimum wage to slaves. After all, slaves are meant only to serve the rich, ruling elite. The Mitt Romneys of the world. --Jim Broede

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