Saturday, September 29, 2012

Laugh it up. To feel better.

I'm thinking. About how it is that I make some people nervous. They tell me I do.  Don't know whether I should laugh or cry about it. Makes me sad, in a way. All I know is that other people don't make me nervous. In fact, just the opposite. They often make me relaxed. And that's what I hope I do for others. Make them relaxed. At least most of the time. But if I'm the cause of making them nervous, maybe I have to clean up my act. Anyway, I like to be funny. And maybe I'm funny in the wrong way, occasionally. Thereby, making them nervous. Because I'm not being serious enough. But it goes against my grain to suppress the funny nature of what's going on. Especially when they are getting overly serious. In an over-reacting way. Sometimes, they claim I don't understand. And that makes them nervous. Actually, I understand quite well. Maybe 98 percent of the time. But I acknowledge that 2 percent of the time, I don't understand. Shows that I'm not perfect. But I don't see that as a valid reason for them to become a Nervous Nellie or a Nervous Ned. In fact, I see humor in Nellie and Ned. Over becoming nervous over something relatively trivial. Makes me laugh. And laughter is good. Replenishes the soul. Sure beats crying. Please take my laughter as a compliment, I say. Rather than an insult. They are darn funny. When they get into a snit. They'd be better off as a Funny Bunny. Not a Nervous Nellie. Laugh it up. To feel better. --Jim Broede 

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