Thursday, October 4, 2012

A truly progressive nation.

My kind of president would be a guy/gal that doesn't want the job. But takes the job anyway. And does it well. With enthusiasm. Verve. Passion. Probably, he/she should be a poet or a philosopher. Maybe both. Not a politician. But adept. An expert in the machinations of political games. He/she would be very able in the art of persuasion. Making sense. Able to sell people on concepts of the common good. Politicians would hate him/her. Because of his/her unselfish approach to governing. He/she would work for virtually no salary. Just to set a fine example. For others to follow. And in his/her spare time, he/she would serve as the nation's poet laureate. Oh, what a refreshing approach this would be. It would elevate America to a truly progressive nation. --Jim Broede

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