Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to better manage life.

My abhor list used to be topped by Alzheimer's. Because my dear sweet wife Jeanne had Alzheimer's. And died of Alzheimer complications. But now I've learned to abhor other things more than Alzheimer's. Maybe it's because Alzheimer's is sort of behind me. I've learned acceptance. And how to deal with adversity. In better ways. Oh, I don't isolate myself from the disease. I'm still a parttime, volunteer care-giver. I'm not scared to pitch in. To mix with Alzheimer patients. Years and years ago, I didn't even want to visit a nursing home. Because it made me despondent. But now I've learned to even enjoy being a care-giver. And being able to exude good vibes in their presence. Knowing that it does good. I've learned that almost everyone with Alzheimer's can be reached. In one way or another. It's just a matter of looking and experimenting. Yes, the attitude of the care-giver makes a big difference. Best to be positive and well-rested. The care-giver has to be a little bit selfish. By taking care of himself/herself. Otherwise, the care-giving may all go for naught. Doing more harm than good. I'm happy being a part-time care-giver. No way do I ever want to be full-time again. Because it's destructive. Not only to my patient. But to me. To everyone. That's just me. I know my limits. The Alzheimer's experience wasn't all that bad. Taught me how to better manage life. --Jim Broede

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