Wednesday, October 17, 2012

An ideal and happy society.

I like people that have become happy. Without having to make lots of money. Instead, they enjoy the things in life that don't necessarily require being monetarily rich. Going for walks. In the great outdoors. Enjoying nature. Reading a book. Having a loving relationship. A modest home. And a family. And friends. Living frugally is possible in many societies. Especially where the emphasis is on the common good. Where government steps in. With such services as public education and socialized medicine. And a tax system based on ability to pay. Of course, the likes of Mitt Romney may look upon these people as moochers and freeloaders. Especially if they pay little or no income taxes. But sounds fair to me. That the people with low incomes are subsidized to some degree by people with higher incomes. Yes, I like it that way. Because it's the decent thing to do. Distribution of wealth in ways that benefit society. Certainly, it's better than a society in which the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. We're all in this world together. I'd like to think we have a moral obligation to help each other. Another reason to have strong and effective government. To make for more equality and more fairness. An ideal and happy society. --Jim Broede

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