Sunday, October 14, 2012

I'd rather know what it's all about.

Opinion polls. I'm not sure they are good. Especially during a presidential election campaign. Because on a daily basis they give us an idea of shifting attitudes. Toward Obama. Toward Romney. The polls have turned the campaign into a race. Maybe too exciting. Too tension-filled. It's like following a baseball or football game. Makes it all entertaining. Just what we Americans demand. That we be entertained. Rather than informed. We want election coverage framed as a soap oprea. Too close to call. A real nail-biter. That draws us to the TV and the radio and the newspapers. To get the latest. To keep us guessing about the outcome. In the process, we often lose track of what the candidates stand for. Because they misrepresent each other. All we know is that it's a close race. At least, that's what the pollsters tell us. I'd rather know what the election is all about. --Jim Broede

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