Friday, October 26, 2012

On turning bad into good.

I love the little on-going dramas of life. And how one copes. For instance, I'm aware of a high school junior. A teen-age girl. Troubled. Because she doesn't like her Latin/Greek teacher. For several reasons. Incompetence. And a mean spirit. A personality conflict. I'm watching how the teacher and the girl deal with the situation. It's an opportunity for them to work out their differences. One way or another. So many options. I'm intrigued. Watching how it all unfolds. The student would like another teacher. But that's impractical. So far, she's cried and felt sorry for herself. I'm suggesting that she deal with it in a less emotional way. That she find a way to truly communicate with the teacher. To resolve the matter satisfactorily. There's a lesson to be learned here that transcends the Latin/Greek lessons. Yes, one must learn to cope with the realities of life.  And it ain't too early for this girl to learn how to handle incompetent and mean-spirited people. Because she'll run into many of 'em in the course of human events. Such teachers/people may be in the minority. The exceptions, thank gawd. Most are very nice. And life is far more good than bad. But it's never too early/soon to learn how to turn a bad experience into something good. --Jim Broede

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