Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The craziness of it all.

Maybe life isn't supposed to make sense. And here I am, trying to make sense of everything. Which could be an utter waste of time. My best guess is that god made mistakes when he created life. That something went terribly wrong. He created a batch of crazy people. And instead of eliminating 'em all, he decided to move 'em all to an insane asylum. Yes, to Mother Earth. So that they wouldn't end up mixing with the sane and truly intelligent people in the rest of the cosmos. There's plenty of evidence to support my theory. For instance, the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party. They are so crazy that they make the rest of us seem sane. Relatively speaking. But I know better. We are all crazy. It's just a matter of degree. As for me, I'm so very crazy that I even try to make sense of it all. --Jim Broede    

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