Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Everything is possible.

Being away from America. It’s a blessing. Can’t say that I miss my homeland terribly much. Oh, it’ll be nice to return. In April. No hurry to go back. Because I like living in Sardinia/Italy. With my Italian true love. In her hometown. So nice to see and experience her environs. Where she grew up.  I meet her friends and acquaintances and work colleagues.  Not sure that I would have wanted to stick around my hometown. I’ve rarely returned for a visit. Left when I was 18. Can’t say that I miss the place. Moving away always seemed like a new start. Didn’t stay in one place – Minnesota - for a long time until I was 29. Never had been to Minnesota before. Now it’s been almost 50 years of familiarity. Met and married my first true love there. We lived together for 38 years. Until she died. Now I’m on my second true love. Yes, true love. The best blessing of my life.  Blissful happiness. Twice now. Makes me feel like I’ve truly lived. Makes me feel like a citizen of the world, too. Not merely the USA.  Some day, I want to broaden my horizons. And become a true citizen of the cosmos.  Maybe only after death. After I become a true spirit. My imagination has no limits. Everything is possible. –Jim Broede

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