Sunday, November 18, 2012

On seeing shades of gray.

Usually, I become acquainted with the passenger seated next to me.  And I momentarily thought that would be the case with the pretty woman.  On my flight from Philadelphia to Rome. She had the window seat. I had the aisle.  But turns out I couldn’t miss the opportunity to move into the center row of seats across the aisle. They were vacant.  So 10 minutes into the flight,  there I was. All by myself.  Able to sprawl over several seats.  I would have liked to know  more about the woman. I was gonna ask her what she was reading.  She seemed absorbed in her book. Anyway, I didn’t inquire. But I should have. It would have triggered an interesting conversation, I suspect. I finally caught a glimpse of the title on the way off the plane in Rome. It was ‘Fifty Shades of Gray.’ The popular erotic novel. –Jim Broede

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