Friday, December 21, 2012

A sign of linguistic progress.

I’ve been in Italy for six weeks. Without a haircut. Until yesterday.  I have a barber. An old fella. On Via Gramsci. The main street. In Carbonia. In Sardinia. I tried to enter the shop. But the door was locked. It was noon. Time for shops to close for an afternoon break. Another example of the relaxed style of living in Italy. Business can wait. Anyway, the barber saw me. And as I walked away down the street, he came out the door. Yelled. In Italian, of course. For me to come back. Got my haircut. Italian-style.  I’ve mastered saying in Italian, ‘Not too short.’   He dutifully complied.  I tested some of my well-memorized and well-rehearsed new Italian phrases.  My gawd. He understood. And as I left. We wished each other a merry Christmas. In Italian, of course. A sign of linguistic progress. On my part. –Jim Broede

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