Saturday, December 8, 2012

A truly one-on-one encounter.

A stranger remains a stranger until we tell each other something significant about ourselves. Truly significant. That’s why I dispense with the small talk. Especially if I sense it’s a stranger I wanna know. I satisfy my curiosity right from the start. I don’t waste time.  It’s almost like turning on a light switch. Or maybe like tearing down a façade. To see what lies behind and beyond. To some, that may sound a bit scary. I want clues. Indications of what makes someone tick.  If I don’t have that after my initial conversation with a stranger, I may never see/contact that stranger again. And I may have blown the opportunity to connect. The written word makes connection easier. Because often it can be a connection – sort of a lifeline – from afar. From another part of the vast world. Doesn’t have to be someone I physically encounter. Often, it isn’t.  When significant written words bridge the gap. And bring us together.  In meaningful and significant ways. A truly one-on-one encounter.  –Jim Broede

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