Monday, January 28, 2013

Good news for America.

Republicans are being recognized more and more for what they really are: Advocates for the monetarily rich. They want the rich to keep their toys. And to be able to get more toys. Easily. With the help of government policies. By taking from the poor and the middle class, and giving it to millionaires and billionaires. In the past, reverse Robinhood has worked. Because Republicans were clever at duping the masses.  Fact of the matter is that people have been stupid. Blind to the obvious. But they are waking up. Becoming educated. Knowledgeable. And that’s bad news for Republicans. Evidenced in the last election. And now Republicans are duly worried that they may lose their majority in Congress in 2014. No doubt, Republicans will look for new ways to dupe the public. But thank gawd, the public is wising up. Good news for America. –Jim Broede

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