Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thank gawd! I'm saying it 3 times.

‘The public is not behind us and that’s a real problem for our party.’ That’s a quote. From Justin Amash, a Republican congressman from Michigan. Shows that at least one GOPer recognizes the truth.  Of course, it’s all right if the rest of  ‘em don’t. Because it might spell the end of the Republican Party. Reason for Americans to celebrate. Republicans are out of step. Adrift. Thinking that old conservative values that were ripe in the 18th century still hold sway in the 21st century. Guess again, Republicans. Liberalism is now at the American center. Americans are clamoring for economic, social and political programs that serve the common good. Not necessarily the good of the few -- millionaires and billionaires and big corporations. Thank gawd! Thank gawd! Thank gawd! –Jim Broede

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