Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Time for a revolution.

Street peddlers in Sardinia where I’m living tend to be black. And many of ‘em speak English. Because they are from places such as Nigeria and Ghana, where English is the predominant language. Unfortunately, the peddlers hardly make a living. Everything is pretty much hand to mouth. They ask for money.     And I never turn anyone down. Usually giving ‘em all my pocket change. Maybe I should give more. Anyway, I never buy any of the stuff they’re selling.   Don’t need it. Instead, I generally strike up conversations. To learn more about their lives. And then I might reach  in for more than pocket change.   The peddlers are looking for a better life in Italy. And not finding it.  That’s sad. They are mostly young people. In their 20s. I know Italians, too. Willing to leave Italy. If they can find decent employment elsewhere. Ain’t easy. Even many of the well-educated are unemployed. I’m for creating societies worldwide in which everyone is provided a job. At government expense, if necessary. Which probably means a vast redistribution of wealth. Siphoning money from the ‘haves’ in order to help the ‘have-nots.’  Meanwhile, many governments in Europe are adopting austerity programs. Just the opposite of what’s needed. More government spending. To put people back to work. That’ll bolster the economies. Because workers waste no time spending their money. On the essentials. Thereby, stimulating business. Now people can’t afford to buy. They can barely get by. And some don’t. That’s a sacrilege. An abomination. A shame on our way of life. Time for something meaningful to be done about it.  Maybe a revolution. An uprising of ‘we the people.’ –Jim Broede

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