Thursday, January 17, 2013

To go or not to go to the circus.

Hurrah! The circus is coming to town. To Carbonia. The city where I’m living. In Sardinia. Arrives Jan. 31. For a five-day stay.    It’s an annual thing. A big deal. But I have yet to go. Don’t know fully why. I should. Haven’t been to a circus in a long, long time.   Depends on my Italian true love. If she wants to go, we’ll go. If not, I might pass.  Orfei Circus has sent  promoters ahead. Dressed in red uniforms. They stand in the middle of the road. At traffic lights.  Handing out leaflets to motorists.  Big placards going up. All over the place. Pictures of clowns and elephants and flying men on the trapeze.   –Jim Broede

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