Monday, January 14, 2013

Whether for a moment or forever.

Nobody knows with absolute certainty if there’s an afterlife. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe there’s nothingness. Doesn’t really matter. But that doesn’t stop me from believing in the spirit world. Because I like to fantasize. To imagine. To speculate. To dream. To concoct. To pretend. Thing is, I’m free to believe what I wanna believe. In life after death. Even if there ain’t life with any degree of certainty. I believe simply because it’s a romantic notion. A wish. Doesn’t do any harm. And it gives me some solace. The fact that I’m an alive and conscious being. It’s fantastic. An impossibility that has come true. Of course, it could all be a dream. And I’m not living. But I don’t think so. I’m gonna assume that I am. That I’m real. That I’m no fabrication. The very fact that I exist makes it possible that there’s life after death. Not any more impossible than the presumed fact that I am here. On Mother Earth. In a vast and perhaps endless cosmos. In the forever.  I might as well enjoy the trip. As a believer. In the preposterous. It’s the natural thing to do.  Live life as if it’s forever. But doing it one day at a time. Making full use of every moment. Every instant. Every experience. Savoring my consciousness. My thought process. And above all else, loving. Everything. Even the bad moments. The scary ones. Because I’ve discovered that bad often reaps good. Once given time to fully evolve/blossom. I have an abiding faith, of sorts. That I was put on Mother Earth for a reason. For a fabulous purpose. To feel the pleasure of being alive and conscious. Whether for a moment or forever. –Jim Broede  

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