Thursday, February 28, 2013

More pigeons than one can count.

I brought with me to Sardinia a bevy of CD disc players. Pocket-sized ones. Easily carried. Had a notion that when walking, I’d listen to music. Classical stuff. Would be soothing. But I haven’t listened. Not even once. Because I don’t want to be diverted from the scenes and the people I see along the way. I want to be a keen and astute observer. Of Italians. I’m fascinated with the idea/opportunity of living in Italy. I’d rather capture the every day sounds and sights of my new country. Better than the sounds of Baroque composers. I can do that when I’m back in Minnesota. Now I prefer listening to the cooing of pigeons. At first, I was fooled. Thought they may be loons. But here in Sardinia, there are no loons. And more pigeons than one can count. –Jim Broede

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