Friday, February 1, 2013

Some days, I can't stop laughing.

I tell people they aren’t  as good as they could be. Because of their attitude. Of course, I don’t know that for sure. I’m merely speculating. But that annoys some. Because they think they’re darn good at their job. Whether it be as a teacher, a writer, a plumber or a candle maker. Thing is, some hate their jobs. Or at least have misgivings about the professions they’ve chosen. They don’t have their heart and soul into what they are doing. Therefore, that makes them less than what they could be. Not necessarily very good at what they’re doing. Maybe incompetent. Some don’t like to hear it. Especially from me. Because I can come across as arrogant. Like I know it all. Really when I’m as stupid as the next guy. But I put on airs. As if I’m as intelligent as Einstein.  Like to do that. To be funny. But hey, not everyone sees me as funny. At least, they don’t laugh. I suspect those are grimaces. Not smiles. But that makes me laugh even more. Some days, I can’t stop laughing. –Jim Broede

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