Sunday, March 17, 2013

Don't wear green on St. Pat's Day.

Today is St. Patrick’s Day. Which means I avoid wearing green. Because I don’t like to fit in. And do like everyone else. I’ll wear green on any other day. But not St. Patrick’s Day. That’s my nature. Maybe it would make me a good Irishman. Because many Irish I know are rather obstinate. Downright stubborn. They are also full of blarney. Well, I’m full of BS. And that’s pretty much the same as blarney. A common Irish name is Brodie. Pronounced the same way as my Broede. So I’m easily mistaken for Irish. But I ain’t. The ‘oe’ makes me of German heritage. Of which I’m proud. But hey, I have nothing against the Irish. Except  for the wearing of green on St. Patrick’s Day. –Jim Broede

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