Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wake up! Live to the fullest. Now.

I know black refugees from trouble spots in Africa. And they are devout Christians. Just like so many blacks everywhere. They’ve been sold a bill of goods. Adopting the white man’s religion. Often, they are down and out people. Facing difficult if not impossible futures. In many cases they have been discriminated against. By racists. Merely because of their skin color. Think about blacks in America. So many of ‘em devout Christians, too. Descendants of slaves. Still, they’ve bought into Christian religion. In part because they’re supposed to have a better life when they die and go to Valhalla. That’s what the white man wants ‘em to believe. So they settle for being poor and downtrodden. Treated as second class citizens. Denied basic human rights. Christians, they are told, accept their fates. And just look forward to better days in heaven. Of course, they are being duped. By hypocritical white Christians. By people who don’t really believe in Christian principles.  I tell my African refugee friends, wake up. You are entitled to your grand reward now.  Here on Mother Earth. In this lifetime.  Seize the moment. Live to the fullest. Now. Now. Now. –Jim Broede

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