Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A very worried creator.

People do crazy things. In the name of religion. Makes me wonder about religion. I don’t want to be religious. Rather be spiritual. I disdain virtually any kind of organized religion. I was brought up as a Christian. I no longer consider myself a Christian. Because, to me, it seems like a close-minded religion. Often bigoted. As if it’s the only true faith. That’s characteristic of most religions. I’d rather design my own faith. Tailored for me. Nobody else. I want direct communication with the creator. Nothing less. No intermediaries. I have it. We use a spiritual language with each other. That’s nice. A true dialogue.  The creator tells me that he’s a free-thinker. So that’s what I am.  He abhors organized religion, too. Too much show. Too much ritual. Too much bull shit. The creator also frowns on excess. Such as the building of houses of worship – cathedrals, temples, mosques, synagogues. It’s a waste of money. Instead, he suggests savoring the great outdoors. The natural ‘church.’ Which he calls his greatest creation.  As for his decision to create people. He’s very worried. That man may become a failed experiment. That he never intended a world full of violent religious zealots. –Jim Broede

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