Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ain't what the creator wanted.

I struggle. With concepts of right and wrong. Not always easy. Determining right from wrong. Because some people’s right happens to be my wrong. And it goes the other way, too. Maybe it’d be nice if there were clear cut rights and wrongs. On which we all could agree. But I doubt that the creator intended life to be that way. Preferring instead great flexibility. No single principle that applies all the time. That would make life far too easy. Life is supposed to be difficult.  Open to debate. A test of multiple choices. No solid rights and wrongs. For some people, that’s scary. They want commandments from the creator. So that life becomes easy. Rigid rules by which to abide.  But seems to me that the creator didn’t prescribe rules. So mankind decided to create rules.  Conservative ones. With the intent of imposing them on everyone.  Contrary to the wish of the very liberal and free-thinking creator. –Jim Broede

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