Thursday, April 25, 2013

Guys, where are you?

I know two Nigerian refugees. Roaming somewhere in Europe. Maybe they are still in Italy. Where I met them.  Moses. Alexander. Don’t know where they’ll end up. I’d like to see them come to America. They’d fit in. Both speak English. They’re still young men. In their mid-20s. Fled Nigeria. Because of political unrest. And rampant poverty.  Went to Libya. Where life was better. Under Gaddafi.  But after the Libyan civil war, life became troublesome and dangerous. So they ended up in Italy. Barely making a living. As street vendors. Not a very good life.  They are well-educated. Moses is a computer whiz. Knows computers inside and out. Alexander has three years of training in veterinary medicine. But jobs are few and far between. All over Europe. Even for the natives. Refugees have little chance. That’s the state of the world. My guess is that Moses and Alexander would have a better chance in America. They are industrious. Motivated. Asked them to stay in touch when I left Italy at the end of March.  But haven’t heard anything. They read my blog, I think. Guys, where are you? –Jim Broede

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