Friday, April 12, 2013

On making the world a better place.

I like most people. And they like me. Even those with whom I disagree. On all sorts of issues.  We don’t even have to agree on politics or religion. We can be diametric opposites. But still, we are friendly and respectful toward each other. Unfortunately, that doesn’t apply to everyone. Fact is, I don’t like everyone.  For virtually the same reason all the time.  Some people are mean-spirited. That’s their nature. My instinct tells me, be wary of ‘em. Especially if they are in a position of political, economic or social power.  That’s why it’s easy to despise some politicians. Conservative Republicans, for instance. They are downright mean-spirited. Therefore, I proceed cautiously. Oh, I have Republican friends. Even family members of very conservative political persuasion. Only the mean-spirited ones rub me the wrong way.  Thank gawd. Most people are of good spirit. Oh, if only one could weed out the mean spirits.  The world would be a far better place.  –Jim Broede

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