Sunday, April 7, 2013

My world. My creation.

Chances are life unfolds by random chance. Though I’d like to believe otherwise. That some things are meant to be. Such as the entry of true love into my life. Twice. Gives me a sense of destiny.  Occasionally, I sense something is about to happen. Before it happens. As if the script has been written. Ordained. And no matter what I try to do to divert the flow, I can’t. I am compelled to ride the current.  The life stream.  I have absolutely no control. No choice. What will happen tomorrow and next week will happen. I can’t alter the outcome. No freedom of choice. And therefore I have to accept life. Precisely as it unfolds. Especially if the creator knows how things are to unfold. Because that’s the way he planned it. But then, maybe he didn’t plan anything. He left everything to random chance. Also, it's possible there’s no creator. That I’m imagining everything. Which means, I’m the creator. Free to imagine anything I want. It’s my world. My creation. –Jim Broede

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