Tuesday, April 2, 2013

On meeting Chea along the way.

I make an educated guess. Maybe she’s Cambodian. The woman sitting next to me. On my return flight to America. From Rome to Philadelphia. She’s snoozing.  Head rested against the window. I’m on the aisle. Knowing we’ll become acquainted. In significant ways. By the time we reach Philly. Her name is Chea. She’s 31. She’s going home.  To Los Angeles. After visiting Europe. For a month. For the first time. Alone. Yes, all by herself. I like that. Especially in a woman. Shows courage. And a sense of adventure. Living one’s  dreams. Much like my Italian true love. Getting a feel for the world. For life. I’m in tune with Chea. Because I’m 77.  Good thing I’m not 31 any more. That was long ago. When I had not yet evolved into a true romantic idealist. Chea is still evolving. Becoming. Something beyond her imagination. Still early in her life’s journey. Which started in Thailand. Yes, she’s Asian. I was right. There’s a link to Cambodia. On her father’s side.  Her mother's Chinese. Both still living.  The family migrated to America. When Chea was 4. Landed in gawd forsaken Texas. But the family knew how to get out of hell. Packed all their earthly belongings into a tiny car. Moved to southern California. Where Chea grew up. Fell in love. With California.  With life, too. She’s got a boyfriend. Doesn’t mean she’s in love with him. Yet. Or he with her. Love of another often takes a long, long time to be put to a test. Many tests. Chea marvels that I was married for 38 years. To dear, sweet Jeanne. Until she died of Alzheimer’s. Seven years ago.  Chea thinks maybe marriages/relationships aren’t built to last. She wonders what makes for a successful marriage.  Like mine.  Assuming success is measured by time together. But it ain't. Some couples are married for 50 or 60 years. Miserable with each other. All their lives. That ain't love. I’m lucky. Blessed. By a second true love. Imagine that. Two in a single lifetime. Even one is a grand and glorious achievement. Chea still looking for the first one.  No guarantees. But Chea has the potential. The desire. Because she’s falling in love. With life. With being alive. Conscious. Curious. Aware. She’s significant. And knows it. I’m significant, too. We all are. But many don’t know it. Going through life unaware. As robots. Zombies.  Chea makes a living. As a web page designer. But that’s incidental. She’s already decided to truly live. In the pursuit of happiness. By exploring the world. But more important, probing the wonderful and profound dimensions of the human soul. From within. The spiritual realm of life.  The fulfillment of dreams. Beyond the horizons. Beyond imagination.  Beyond everything.  Chea is on the journey. So nice to meet her along the way. –Jim Broede

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